TELEPHONE+420 585 347 142
FAX+420 585 347 145
ADDRESSč.p.132, 783 21 Mladeč

Enviromental Policy


In a view of the fact that the company and the limestone quarry are located in the vicinity of protective zone of water resources, special rules are applied to maintain the ecological balance.

Quantitative restrictions on using ammunition are set for blench blasts. In 1992 — 1993, deep exploratory wells were bored to regularly monitor groundwater movement and biological and chemical composition of groundwater in the mining area, on its borders and in near surroundings. Acquired information are regularly evaluated and the evaluation has always had a positive result for the production so far and it is agreed that neither the mining, nor the production has a negative impact on the surrounding environment.

Regular measuring of dust nuisance and noise level is carried out in the production. In case of overdraft of allowed standards, effective measures are taken to remedy the situation. The company management cares for perfect order and cleanness in the whole premises. According to the relevant provision of the Mining Act and according to the Regulation of Regional Mining Office Ostrava, the reserve for rehabilitation and restoration and the reserve for mining damage are created.